Super-Allists, or Actuarial Psychology, Part Two

The problem ones have social gifts and rational disabilities, not the other way about. I am postulating, in lieu of our sociopath CEO’s a sort of a super-Allist.

“Normal,” to the point of disorder.

I want to revisit the definitions of the antisocial neurotypes mentioned in the first, psychopathy and APD and say that from my own social . . . situation, OK, disorder, from my perhaps asocial neurotype, I want to say that a psycho- or sociopath being charming and succeeding socially doesn’t look different than anyone else being charming and succeeding socially. Honestly, when Allists are speaking among themselves and charming and succeeding with one another, I don’t always understand it, so it doesn’t necessarily always seem authentic and organic to me.

I suppose if there were a sociopath in the group saying the same things and responding appropriately and succeeding in the group, I wouldn’t see any difference at all. And . . . not sure this is cool to say, I’m uh . . . I don’t see how anyone would, I mean if I could grok how anyone knows the difference, I suppose I could do it too. If they are saying and apparently feeling the same things, what is different?

Social success is social success, everyone has to fake it – and you don’t build it for yourself. If a predatory psychopath has a lot of social success, that’s on their whole group, not just them! “Social success,” is not an individual achievement, is it?

Ah there it is, popped up and surprised me – our “psychopath CEOs,” are hypersocial if they over-achieve, more social than the regular Allists, who all seem hypersocial to my sort to begin with. If this is “cold, calculating manipulation,” then their whole crew is almost as good at it as they are, I mean, then cold, calculating manipulation is what brings social success, at least in that group.

But the point, already made without saying so, I’m afraid, is that a monster’s social success is as real as anybody’s, and it comes from their social group – so was everybody, “pretending?” And if so, what’s the difference between that and everyone not pretending, if they’re all doing and saying the same scripts?

I want to shut up and write a book instead. In my world, this is an automatic pop-psych Number One best seller, and I’m giving it away to nobody for free.


Nov. 22nd., 2023

Shaking the Jar

Trigger warnings, hard doom and gloom.

Fighting got you here, and I know you can’t hear this, but fighting won’t get you out of it. Yet, you persist.

There’s always some happy peacenik saying that, you say, yet all of our history is written by people that never stopped fighting, it worked for them – this from people who think the dinosaurs “failed,” or something by only existing for half a billion years, creatures who have been around for point zero, zero, something percent of that amount of time saying this.

While the fighting and the competition have destroyed the environment and it all collapses as it has many times before for perhaps various reasons, it would appear that the New World Order myth is playing out, that someone has decided that the coming disaster means only some few will be able to continue, and so death and mass death are suddenly legal, saith the Power, and we will not fight the plague, rather we shall mandate it, and we shall not slow the wars nor the genocides because these and many, many more must perish to get to a sustainable level of humanity and none of this is theoretical because climate collapse is here and there is going to be no food next winter, and every person who dies this year will not be starving and migrating and rioting next year.

So by their logic, they must keep doing exactly what they have been doing to bring about the disaster, fossil fuels and war . . . which tells me that the “sustainable number,” will shrink and shrink until it is gone altogether. They simply cannot stop, they simply can imagine no other direction in which to go. It will be bloody Penn and Teller Get Killed, Last Man Standing sort of bullshit.

Whereas if you could imagine anything else, these billions of people could be put to better use, what we need is terracing of the land, anywhere and everywhere, to catch the rare floods for use and to recharge the aquifers, and much of this and much farming ought to be done as manually as possible, perhaps in small scale, again, even this, if it’s a machine, fossil fuel project, will shrink that number. Those two things and not much else ought to be a suffering and shrinking humanity’s only projects for the next . . . going forward, let’s say. Well, included but perhaps worthy of mention, as well as shutting off the nuclear plants in a controlled fashion, if it’s not already too late for that, if we are not already beneath that level of operation.

I can’t say for sure that the choice is quite so stark, or that there is any hope no matter what we do, but I do think this is how we should think about it – keep fighting until there’s nothing left, or give that stupid shit up and start to limit the coming damage by working for each other instead?


Nov. 12th., 2023

T Baby – A History of Illness

It’s a cliché, that somebody notices an Autistic child or younger person and that’s how the parents find out it’s in the family, that one or both of them are Autistic too, that’s what happened to me, with some wrinkles, the younger person was an adult, and the family communication has not been great.

On a personal level, it answers everything, my being Autistic, or nearly everything, explains much about my life that no amount of reading and learning from the neurotypical world has been able to. Personal matters aside, the concept of neurotype answers a lot about the world too.

So I had one child that seemed like me, and they’re one of us and now I know I am, and they tell me they all are, my ex also, and I admit my ex requires some sort of explanation, and there are a lot of reasons to think they’re Autistic, in fact it’s possible that the only person on Earth who could possibly think they aren’t is me. Apparently, though, Autistics do Allistic stuff all the time as a part of their masking, so despite I may feel ostracized and hated on for my differences as though my ex and kids were neurotypical, it can always be that one’s haters are masking Autists, so who knows.

I guess it’s true that their family seemed . . . stridently white and normal, like they tried too hard, maybe. It always seemed phony and a little desperate, I suppose it could have been masking – but either way, real or feigned, it’s neurotypicality hating me either in person or by remote control. It seems a distinction without a difference from this side of the DEP.

We’ll pause here for the ‘illness,’ stuff this is supposed to be about:

But looking back on my life with this new understanding, I see now that I spent my first nearly ten years in meltdown, with the other kids pushing me over into it if I wasn’t already, but there’s more, I had my own stress driving me to meltdown, health problems and pain – that I have finally processed and verbally confirmed with a sibling to be the result of the most famous toxic drug in history, the morning sickness pill, Thalidomide.

There was a gut deformity, which they described to me back then as an “umbilical hernia,” but which was later revealed to have been extra parts. Seems the umbilicus was a live piece of bowel and was not atrophying and wouldn’t heal, didn’t stop bleeding, or presumably, hurting, and after a month of life there was an abdominal surgery. I can’t say my bowel troubles are due to the drug, or the surgery, but they exist, and I think they’re on the Thalidomide baby list of problems.

I don’t know why they didn’t tell me, why it wasn’t part of the conversation with me forever, why no-one ever said, “you know you’re a Thalidomide baby, right?” It surely wasn’t a secret during my early life when I was an always crying pain the ass, couldn’t have been. I can see why there was never an assessment or an Autism diagnosis though – they already knew what was wrong with me, I guess. Not sure about the secret, or the knowledge of it even, maybe, because we missed the class action suits. Gawd, Mom could’ve used some money, I was a full time job and I wasn’t the only kid. Well, I guess there was no money until decades later? Still, of course, still.

Plus Gawd knows I could have had my health troubles tested for and diagnosed, I bet some of it could have been more treatable. My GP watched my goiter grow and heard me complain and never guessed hyperthyroid, I didn’t learn it until he retired. If I had known I was a victim, it would have been on my “watch for,” list.

So I haven’t seen anything to suggest all Thalidomide victims share a neurotype, that there is one, I mean I don’t think either Tylenol or Thalidomide “create a neurotype,” so I’m still just Autistic in the head and a Thalidomide baby in my gut, my thyroid, and my little AA fingers. My feet are small too. I can’t say that all the appendages were affected, it’s possible that my un-poisoned destiny included a larger member, but apparently I’m within the “normal,” range, and I don’t have to tell you how well within, ha.

Generally, as it would seem with the severely affected, the effect is increased further from the core, my legs get shorter all the way down, and my torso belongs on some fellow of average height. Pure, dumb guess about how it works, just from looking at myself and knowing about the limbless folks and extrapolating – I don’t know that.

A quick investigoogling says there are no documented second generation problems for the children of the Thalidomide babies, this is good news, but I’m not sure how new or good this information is. A paper trashed “Lamarckism,” that doesn’t sound very new. Also, to my mind, the man is having his comeuppance, to say his function doesn’t exist is to say evolution doesn’t exist, basically.

He got trashed by people who had only learned of evolution yesterday, and mostly, people still aren’t really processing it today, see my last many blogs.

Never mind that for now, so far so good, my kids are probably not suffering from Thalidomide – but I’m going to keep looking, and let them know, pending new data.

There is one statistic that is interesting and problematic – they say some thirty percent! – of Thalidomide kids show up Autistic, this is bothersome, I still don’t see how poisoning causes neurotypes. I have to tell myself that the framing of neurotypes is backwards to explain it, that poisons do not create anything, but some of them perhaps damage Allism, is the proper context and the point. Hmm.

In my framing, the Thalidomide damage to my Allism . . . looks heritable, since I have Autistic kids? I mean, my father may have been, my ex may be . . . so my case can’t mean anything, but if 30% lose their Allism through Thalidomide poisoning, and that loss remains, the “Autism,” is heritable? It’s all rather complex.

Again, speculative, never mind, the community will see this as a betrayal, but that statistic isn’t mine and I did not say anything “causes Autism,” I said maybe things hurt Allism – if you have ever read me, you know I see “normal folks,” as the whole problem, and if something harms Allism – please, take it. Tylenol, not Thalidomide, Good Lord.

I mean if your Allism were all that gets harmed, of course.

Then, fill your boots, LOL. OK, fine, it’s a gonzo science blog after all, let’s do this.

Honestly – the statistic is probably garbage and those thirty percent are something, but not necessarily Autistic. I’m remembering the supposed rodent studies and Tylenol – “Autism-like symptoms,” which were simply passivity and/or stupidity, and the “appearance of Autism,” is probably meaningless. I still like my theory, but it is quite possible that this statistic regarding Thalidomide is bogus and no support for it – and the same with Tylenol, of course, those studies I’m already convinced are bogus and no support for my framing, because they are no support for anything.

I suppose all I can really say about it is that the Allists have their framing ready, Autistics are broken, so something is causing them and it should be stopped – unjustifiably, I think, at least contextual only – broken for what? Do we know the  Purpose of Humanity, so that we know when it is being impeded?

 I’m guessing that the Thalidomide scrutiny launched the Tylenol theory, got the idea out there about chemical cause for ‘retardation,’ which included Autism back then, but . . . hey, this was always their less conscious framing perhaps, something is hurting my Allism? (It’s the “strength,” remember, something is hurting their fighting readiness, is the point for them. It’s an existential thought.)

It’s what they are trying to say, but Allism isn’t allowed to be a thing, it’s supposed to be everybody, Human Nature, donchaknow – so now it’s the “Humans,” vs the “divergent,” which means the “pathologized,” instead of just the differences between types, something is harming “Humanity,” not just Allism. It is fantastically frustrating, attempting to speak across neurotypes, I almost understand the Allistics resorting to force about it, reason across the gulf seems impossible, but call it intuition if you must, call it prognostication – but from my side and my neurology, the opposite framing is more intuitive, that Allistics are problematic, so something is causing them and it should be stopped. I mean, functional for what? Do we know the Purpose of Humanity, so that we know how to achieve it?

Just saying, it seems like the Allists think the purpose is fighting, and they think that this is what “Humans,” think, not just Allists, that is to say, they don’t think they think it, they just think it’s the way it is. This is why that no matter what happens, it all seems beyond their ability to stop it, it’s not their mindset, something that could change, it’s “the way it is,” something that cannot. Hmm. Seems like a bit of detail I usually fail to find, that. It’s OK, isn’t it?

IF – only if, I am not convinced it’s even possible let alone has ever occurred, but IF – if you could take a child with no family history of anything but Allism and poison them in vitro in such a way as to produce an Autistic child – do we really claim this level of science, that we have “created,” an Autistic mind? Or would it be a million times more likely that your poison simply derailed the creation of an Allistic one, leaving behind an evolved and pre-existing OG neurotype? Do we think our crude poisons can create entire neurologies, or do we think those already existed and the poison killed something else, as poisons do?

Ha, what this sounds like, where this bit goes – that we think sometimes we can accidentally poison the brain slug that drives us to conflict and war, the warrior neurology as a brain parasite. Again, not saying this has ever happened that we “made” anybody Autistic. I’m only saying if we ever did, I couldn’t assume we broke that person, it would make more sense to me that broke the Allistic process only, and that the Autistic that results is an intact, pre-existing form that is a complete human being.

Again, if and only if any of the statistics regarding higher incidence rates of “Autism,” due to drugs are real and true does any of this logic matter – and even then it only matters to me inasmuch as it makes the case for Allism as a neurotype and a problem and not as the Gold Standard of Humanity.

I do think something created all of the neurologies, of course, but also of course I don’t think it is something as simple a s a poison that creates Allism, it is a very complex combination of things including all the complexity of biological evolution and much human behaviour besides, complete with biological deceptions – but a poison is defined as a simple answer for the complexities of life, isn’t it. It can probably work this way around, some poison or other can probably destroy particular neurologies, why not? At least it looks that way to my neurology.

I’m starting to think it sounds like “Awakenings,” like when I shone briefly in school and eventually fledged, that must have looked like a damned miracle. And I don’t remember those early tough years very well, like it happened to someone else. I think Autistic meltdown maybe explains that memory loss? What happens in trauma stays n trauma or something. My whole unhatched life I worried it was trauma I was blocking out, but there has been damned little corroboration about any trauma that the Allistic world would recognize, it’s all been fog of war stuff, sort of unknowable, the rumour of trauma only. Overload and meltdown makes far better sense.

The memories haven’t suddenly appeared, but at least that empty space has some context now.

This, as usual, is not going according to plan and where I wanted to go next is not where this leads, so I’m going to stop here and sit with this for a bit and post this in the science blog, worry about the personal stuff another day.

Good luck out there.

Jeff Nov. 9th., 2023

Actuarial Psychology

Carrying on with the idea of Allism as a neurotype with a short spike for actuarial matters, and of Allistic psychology as almost exclusively a matter of the self and not society, I wish to extrapolate something, specifically that we should see problematic personality types along a different vector than the psychology of individuals.

I will need to start with the dictionaries and definitions – it does sound like “sociopathy,” already draws this distinction from psychopathy, I need to check that, plus we’ll have to do Autism/Allism again. Alphabetically, I suppose.


 – this is understood to be the majority or “normal,” neurotype, often interchangeable with “neurotypical,” but “Allism,” has etymology, “Allo,” is from the Greek for “Other,” and I believe the inference is that it describes a mind that connects with and is concerned with others, with the people around us, but I don’t think we have a list of Allistic traits as such, a definition as such, it is most often explained simply as the absence of, or opposite of Autism.

If there is any list of traits and features, it is most often gleaned through the looking glass, approved Allistic traits are to be found in their pathologized mirror traits among the neurodivergent, such as the name shows, “Autistic,” means self defined or involved, so “Allistic,” means connected, more of a group orientation.

Just Me:

For my part, I have extrapolated things already, and I have theories about Allism in and of itself, I have spent my life trying to understand them, I never knew what I was, but I guess I always knew I wasn’t one of them. For me, Allism is a version of humanity with a “specific set of skills,” yes, meant exactly like the action movie meant it, Allism is humankind’s warrior neurotype, and war is a group activity.

While peace looks more like parallel play.


 – ha, I only have my own, I’m having a hard time writing down the usual definition for you. “Aut,” is the Greek for self, as in automatic and autonomous, so Autistic is “self –“ self directed, surely self-stimulation created this meme, self involved, in the simplest terms, we don’t listen and do what we’re told, we think we’re supposed to listen to our own minds or something, at least this is why we’re a problem and a thing, we’re not much good in a group project.

There are a lot of health problems that seem to come with it, and they are part of the working definition of Autism, notably verbalization and sensory issues, and as the brain runs the body, that does seem to be a part of one’s neurotype.

Just Me:

For my part, I need to turn the entire edifice upside down and say, yes, “a part of one’s neurotype,” but that this statement in not directional, and that the presence of much variance does not make a type, rather that that the adherence to a specific set of traits is what makes a type, and so Autism is less of a specific “type,” than Allism is, that rather perhaps what we call “Autism,” is many types, perhaps the label “Autism,” or maybe “neurodivergence” in general is the whole gene pool and Allism is the emergent, specific, purpose built “type.” With a rather obvious purpose, mentioned above. A purpose that I would hope humanity will some day abandon.

OK, I’d better crack open a dictionary for these Allistic psychology terms, my intuition is probably wrong.


 – from the N.I.H (USA):

“Psychopathy is a neuropsychiatric disorder marked by deficient emotional responses, lack of empathy, and poor behavioral controls, commonly resulting in persistent antisocial deviance and criminal behavior.”

–  from somewhere high on Google’s list, place called PsychopathyIs:

“Psychopathy  (sai · kaa · puh · thee) is a common mental disorder. It is characterized by personality traits that include reduced empathy and remorse, a bold and daring personality, and difficulty inhibiting behaviors.

People with psychopathy may deceive, manipulate, exploit, threaten, steal from, or physically harm others. At the same time, they may seem outwardly friendly and well adjusted. This ‘mask of sanity,’ described in the quote above, can make psychopathic people very hard to identify.

Psychopathic traits vary across the population from mild to extreme. In other words, psychopathy is a spectrum disorder, like other well-known spectrum disorders such as autism and anxiety. Severe psychopathy can cause significant impairment and affects approximately 1% of children and adults in the United States today.”

– from Psychology Today (and Good Lord, they’re catty):

 “Psychopathy is a condition characterized by the absence of empathy and the blunting of other affective states. Callousness, detachment, and a lack of empathy enable psychopaths to be highly manipulative. Nevertheless, psychopathy is among the most difficult disorders to spot.

Psychopaths can appear normal, even charming. Underneath, they lack any semblance of conscience. Their antisocial nature inclines them often (but by no means always) to criminality.

Just Me:

– I’ll summarize: perhaps what makes it not the majority type is that psychopaths apparently don’t let public opinion bother them or change their behaviour, one might almost apply the “Aut,” syllable to that, but again, for me, I think that just makes them not, or less Allistic, going with what other people think seems to be an Allistic feature.

As an Autist, I clench at the word “empathy,” but perhaps it’s appropriate for psychopathy to say it isn’t there or is attenuated. For my “just me,” section, I will say that this language is all psychological and ahistorical, or asociological, I mean it refers to people in the present tense, people are used, people are hurt – as often with what I think of as Allistic psychology, there is no attention paid to the future, to the ongoing cause and effect, the reverberations of this hurt through time, I mean, a classic movie psychopath doesn’t worry about the pain the knife causes the victim, and this is the psychological definition – but he doesn’t worry about the future either, about the altered lives that didn’t end, about his victim’s children, he doesn’t worry about generally adding to the misery of humanity and bringing the next apocalyptic reset a little closer. I think?

There’s some of my Antisocialization Theory in there, that you can’t just keep adding to the misery forever, that there is a cycle to it, a point of critical mass and an explosion, or implosion, a reset, the Antisocialization Jubilee like a world war or a total collapse. An actuarial idea, I suppose.

The classic psycho lacks empathy AND actuarial sense, maybe? That ought to have stopped him too. The two things are surely related and connected, and mostly move through the world together . . . or not?

One may be rarer than the other, in some sense perhaps instead they exist in inverse proportion, even, perhaps me and my friends can be tight and caring about one another as we wage war on the world, then we’d have empathy and not be psychopaths, pass for “normal,” and lack only the actuarial empathy – and destroy the world?

But perhaps I digress and I’m so far behind I only think I’m leading. Back to the dictionary.


OK, I’m out of date, it’s called Antisocial Personality Disorder now – but maybe only the name has been updated, it just sounds like “psychopathy, only just the bad kind,” more impulsivity, more violence, less disguise. The following excerpts are a little contradictory, it seems a good definition is still a matter of debate.

from the Mayo Clinic:

“Antisocial personality disorder, sometimes called sociopathy, is a mental health condition in which a person consistently shows no regard for right and wrong and ignores the rights and feelings of others. People with antisocial personality disorder tend to purposely make others angry or upset and manipulate or treat others harshly or with cruel indifference. They lack remorse or do not regret their behavior.

People with antisocial personality disorder often violate the law, becoming criminals. They may lie, behave violently or impulsively, and have problems with drug and alcohol use. They have difficulty consistently meeting responsibilities related to family, work or school.”

from Psychology Today (and again . . . bitchy, I guess, LOL):

“Sociopathy refers to a pattern of antisocial behaviors and attitudes, including manipulation, deceit, aggression, and a lack of empathy for others. Sociopathy is a non-diagnostic term, and it is not synonymous with “psychopathy,” though the overlap leads to frequent confusion. Sociopaths may or may not break the law, but by exploiting and manipulating others, they violate the trust that the human enterprise runs on.”

Just Me:

For my two cents’ worth, again, it’s all present tense, clearly this person doesn’t seem to be worried about what sort of world they are creating with their behaviour, and . . . I don’t know, maybe it’s just me, or maybe me and others of my type, but the speaker, the folks telling me about it don’t address the world of tomorrow either, the way psychology reads to me, mainstream psychology, Allistic psychology only ever sounds like a personal matter, interpersonal at most . . . I’m sorry, I know I’m not landing this thought, but let’s leave it there for a moment. If I can tie the whole thing off, it will because we got there with this bit, leaving this dangling forever is not an option.

If you’re seeing this, we got through it, hang in there.

-OK, sort of. For this, what the hey, I’ve already said it elsewhere. Allism has an attenuated or missing actuarial sense, and I am calling the psychology they have developed “Allistic Psychology,” because it somehow never translates into sociology or what people’s behaviour does to the world, it seems stuck on one’s personal pain, the social aspects, reaching no further than something specific about our parents or our kids. One has the sense that abuse is rare, a minority issue for most, because it is never spoken of in bigger, cultural terms, at least in the future.

Regarding the ‘Psycho and Sociopath CEO’ Theory

I think I hit it already, on route, that it’s a separate matter, whether you have empathy and whether you have actuarial empathy, the vision for the people of the future, right? Empathy is nice, in its way, but it is at best, not enough. We are still creating circumstances that no amount of mere empathy is going to fix, our empathy is extremely short sighted if it can’t deal with a plague, or pollution, climate change, etc., if it seems to be no prophylaxis for conflict and war.

What I really want to get at, only hinted at off the top, is the idea that psychopathy and antisocial personality disorder are not the most useful and productive ways to think about the most callous of our leaders and CEOs, that this pop psych meme isn’t helpful.

I mean, what are we to do, run our Earth-consuming money making machines with more heart? Somehow keep the psychotics out of the destroying the world for money industries? Keep them out of the army?

I think if it were a matter of any minority so small as psychopaths, fixing the world’s problems would be pretty much doable, our problems, I’m sorry, I suppose this is hard to hear when unlike myself you spent your whole life thinking you were normal and that’s good – our problems are because something is terribly wrong with most humans. Even if it were only that we’re too wild or stupid to control a few psychopaths and let them trash the world and kill us all, there would still be something terribly wrong with all of us for that, and it isn’t only that.

I mean really – oh, perhaps I oughtn’t be writing just now after all – stupid wins, doesn’t it? Never mind, that’s not going anywhere. Ha.

The point – the corporate and military worlds are very social, very human, social structures, meaning there are a lot of group dynamics going on, and it’s all about friends and enemies – I think those friends sort of take most neurodivergent people out of the picture as leaders, probably the psychopaths and APD folks too, mostly. I think the leaders are not socially disabled, but perhaps they even have superpowers in that area, and so this theory about a percentage of people with antisocial disorders being our CEOs and leaders is . . . I know, bizarre, but read me, I do this a lot – backwards, totally.

My neurodivergence means something, damnit. Yes, upside down and backwards.

The problem ones have social gifts and rational disabilities, not the other way about. I am postulating, in lieu of our sociopath CEO’s a sort of a super-Allist.

“Normal,” to the point of disorder.

More to come, probably.


Nov. 3rd., 2023