Alone Again, Neurologically

My mindset, my understanding, Antisocialization Theory, my apparently innate actuarial sense, all these I cannot separate from my life’s path, from what in arithmetic or math would be the Order of Operations, meaning which parts of a complex problem we solve first. The OOO is a standard, so that math is the same every time you do it, and of course the metaphor doesn’t extend that far, only in that with the order in which I learned anything and made my solutions, I have indeed found a different, non-standard answer from most people’s answer.

Of course, in theory there is no official OOO standard for human life, but from where I have found myself, it sure looks like there must be, rather it is so ubiquitous there has been no need to document it, like most people never read a walking or a breathing how-to book.

Stubborn Autistic child, little Aspie supremacist that I must have been, my own developmental issues never suggested to me that maybe my sense of outrage over the “spanking,”  around me – anyone would grant that as euphemism – was part of my . . . I’m going to generically say, backwardness. No matter what a classical idiot I may have been, this was obvious, what this violence was doing to the kids around me and they weren’t “learning right from wrong,” at least they weren’t being pushed to the “right,” side.

And that’s where we leave each other, the world and I, you and I almost certainly.

All those beaten kids joined that world, near as I can see, learned their lessons, joined the mass error and everything is wrong in the world from when we were all children, you and the world have proceeded from this wrong turn forever and I cannot even talk to you. In your world, deterrents are real things that are supposed to change the world for the better while the actual abuse of the punishments are written off as unintended consequences and are not supposed to change the world.

I had two ideas, one, that human minds simply have this mad bias, part of the warrior mentality, the majority human mindset is often, if in other conversations, spoken of as geared to primate group conflict, and two, that the abuse makes fighters of us, an epigenetic effect – this is Antisocialization Theory, which I imagined to explain humanity in general, when I thought I was a one-off freak about it.

Part of my OOO is that I had forty years to ponder it before I ever heard of Autism, AST was supposed to explain us all. Well, except, me, with my saviour complex about it. Things are quite different for the undiagnosed aspie. I say this as a slur, not as an out of date diagnostic term, but to describe an undiagnosed Autist with the processing to mask and pass themself off as “smart and weird and arrogant.” It is easy to see that it would be difficult to keep up the arrogance of the classic disliked aspie person if you had grown up with any sort of a diagnosis, with doctors around trying to repair you all your life, but I had no such support.

I’m sure I was a well known R-word as a child in the sixties, but once I went to school and found my IQ, I forgot all of that. Since I won a few awards in grade one, I’ve basically been an undiagnosed arrogant aspie prick with a better idea about everything you ever thought or did. Apparently Dad used to get fired on the regular for knowing how to do it better than every boss too, or thinking he did.

The point of all that is just to say, I never believed the ball busting, never believed all the adults or anybody else that “I” was the problem, like, I never spent a minute of my life thinking “normal people good,” and me bad, or normal people good and Autistics bad. I have a low self image against some abstract absolute in my mind, but against humans, no, no, sorry, not so much. I don’t believe in your mad cult of punishment and, maybe because, I don’t have that low self image we’re all supposed to have, like we all deserve it. So I don’t see the world the same way up as you do, I don’t think the group knows better than I do.

That means Mom, teachers, doctors. I learned my school lessons, I take doctors seriously regarding medicine – but I give them all a nasty aspie supremacist snort if they try to tell me about children or authority or power or life.

I always felt normal and logical within myself, and it was always “everyone else,” who didn’t, and so still, I don’t see Autism as a medical problem, certainly not as any sort of a poisoning – I don’t even think “Autism,” is the salient collection of traits that needs a word, well everything needs a word, but not as much as the majority collection of traits needs a word, well it has a word, Allistic, but it needs a definition.

I am getting further from my goal here, perhaps it’s time to stop infodumping, cut my losses and run to the end, see how far I’ve missed by.

I have yet to detect any minds that seem to echo mine in a year and some online, the Autists speak the language of the punishment cult same as regular folks do, I mean of course all the usual limits of knowledge apply, no-one can learn what is always hidden, what is beyond the deconstructionist horizon, what is outside of the present episteme. Raised in it, heard it all day long forever and naught else, no blame, Geezuz. Gaslit to death about it, we all are.

But they think “Autism,” is a thing, and sort of accept the normal as normal, as not needing to be nailed down and defined, and they talk about psychology, which for me, it’s all just Allistic psychology to me now, warrior society psychology, written to keep you strong and with nothing to say about a little parental discipline. They speak, like all marginalized groups, of their specific persecution, as though they have an enemy that only persecutes them, as if the persecution is about them.

Of course that’s what the persecutors say, “Autism,” is a problem – but they do say that to everybody, don’t they? Of course it is persecutors in general that are the problem, but again, you all speak their language, not mine.

Don’t you.

This arrogant prick is alone in all the world, pretty much always has been, and it’s getting old. Just get it, humanity.

Yes, the reference is Mendosa, on South Park.


Aug. 31st., 2023


I don’t see a solution – so I can’t write anything.

You can’t reason a creature out of aggression it has not reasoned itself into. They want to fight, so if you do, there’s a fight. They want a fight, and you don’t – they think that disagreement is a fight, and they start. I‘m flummoxed.

I cannot imagine how I am supposed to deal with a mind that thinks a plea for peace is a fight, a mind impervious to words. Don’t get me wrong, either, this is not a new problem or question for me, I’ve been running against this wind for sixty years. (Thanks for the earworm, Mr. Seger.) Once they imagine you are the enemy – well, online, they talk about how the Friend Zone is bad and a lifetime assignment. Enemies are far more important, the Enemy Zone is an oubliette.

I see this in macro, I see humanity in general this way, aggressive, as a genetic trait, and same for same – words mean nothing to them. Nothing anyone can say, be they a thousand recent extinct animals or a world of starving humans, can convince them to stop their fighting, to stop forcing fossil fuel and mineral extraction on a world those things are killing. They talk about what “people,” do, and “Human Nature,” but come on – “people” do what they must for food and the people on top are the only ones making any choices at all, and who in this world is allowed to be a human in “nature?”

What is natural about human life, who is left alone in life to develop “naturally?”


We live in human unnature, “nature,” doesn’t seem to require that mothers of any other species injure their own children to “prepare them for life.” They can tell us human “nature,” is any goddam thing they want, because with the other hand they are insuring their own children and no-one else will ever be able to know what a natural human really looks like, no-one can ever know the difference.

You hear me? “Aggressive,” but not “because nature?

Aggressive for reasons, real world reasons. Reasons we could know and deal with, if it wasn’t locked in a closet labelled Plato’s religiot – OK, mystical, “nature.” Sorry, sort of. Nah, screw that guy.

Again, don’t get me wrong, I agree, that awful Human Nature is indeed what we look like, it’s hard to make a case that it’s not exactly what we are – but it’s not natural, is the point. We could stop fucking making it that way all day every day – if you were a creature that cared a damn about words, if you weren’t an animal heard to say a million times a day, “I hit them to teach them to listen.” If you weren’t so aggressive that to suggest to you not to beat your own beloved children doesn’t sound like a challenge to fight.

If you’re sure I’m not talking about you, congratulations, I’m proud of you.

But I have no idea what could ever be done for the rest, when, “peace,” means “fight,” I don’t know how to get around that, your aggression is perfect, immutable, you have it completely sussed and no-one is going to be able to stop you from doing whatever it is you’re doing.

Hooray, you.


Aug. 19th., 2023

The Marshmallow Anger Test

What if it wasn’t a marshmallow?

What if it wasn’t a treat, what if it wasn’t the guilty pleasure you already knew you weren’t really supposed to have, the thing that has been set up as an extra and jolly good luck on your part since approximately the day you were born? What if it wasn’t your childish greed you were being rewarded for keeping in check?

Rewards, delayed ‘gratification,’ a sweet is a ‘gratification,’ the connotations are as I’ve already said, greed, illicit desires on your part – what if it was something you were supposed to have that they rewarded you for delaying your ‘gratification,’ about? Your human rights, for instance. Your righteous anger about unfairnesses in general and in particular.

This is not a new thought, that we are rewarded for self denial – but what if it wasn’t just about you and your denial either, like what if that wasn’t the end of it? What if they took what you denied for your self, and stowed it away for their own later use? What if you were abstaining because they say it’s not good for you to have the not a marshmallow, but then we see they have a large storehouse full of everyone’s not marshmallows to have whenever they like?

This morning’s medication session ended with this sudden thought, that the Marshmallow Test’s ‘delayed gratification,’ and Antisocialization Theory’s national stored rage are one and the same, that they are testing your capacity to hold a charge.


Aug. 16th., 2023

Theory of a Theory of a Mind

It’s a term I thought I stopped hearing for years, but it’s back, ‘theory of mind,’ for a few reasons, mostly to do with neurotypes and Autism in particular.

I’ve read that in the bad, black and white days of yesterday and still in the hospitals of today, that they accuse us of lacking one altogether, and this is another way of saying that they lack or refuse the concept of neurotype, that their, “theory,” explains and predicts only a single mind, or a single type, in all the universe.

It is clearly ensconced in the sort of creationist thinking that doesn’t allow that rats and cats and elephants have “minds,” either, again, a “theory,” of a unique phenomenon lacks the usefulness that we associate with our better theories. This is an aspect of arrested development, this theory struggles to be born, right, a “theory,” of mind would need to be a theory of minds, plural, wouldn’t it? This one doesn’t travel, doesn’t carry. It lacks other useful applications.

The concept of neurotypes means a theory of minds, plural. That’s what is required. The theory of mind, in some hands, as it stands is something of a two edged sword.

When it’s a good thing, it helps us connect, when our minds do work in parallel, and that’s how it’s good and why everyone needs it, but when it’s bad, when your theory of mind obscures the obvious workings of a different sort of mind as simply not working –

Functioning zoos do not enforce human standards of thought upon the animals, they couldn’t work, they would simply be the abuse parades of the recent past when the animals withered and died. Modern zookeepers and normal people the world over have theories of multiple minds for their animals – only in institutions for humans is a “theory of mind,” the very opposite, a theory of violent conformism.

One theory of one mind, and some awful mandate to make this obvious lie happen and today it is people that wither and die.

I would decertify the entire medical industry for their refusal to prosecute human sciences and the sciences of the mind with any seriousness, but in particular, no-one without a multiple theory of minds would be involved in any of it, or education either. They are officially not giving humans the credit and respect they automatically and unconsciously give their dogs.


Aug. 6th., 2023